Act 2 Scenes 1
- What is Polonius's relationship with Reynaldo?
- What is Polonius's relationship with Laertes?
- What is Laertes relationship with Reynaldo?
- What is Polonius's relationship with Laertes?
- What is Laertes relationship with Reynaldo?
1. Reynaldo is Polonius’ servant
2 Polonius is Laertes’ father
3. Reynaldo spies on Laertes for Polonius
Act 2 Scenes 2
- How does the father of Ophelia, Polonius, interpret Hamlet's madness? Why is he wrong? What is Hamlet really going crazy over?
He interpreted the situation like this “Your son is crazy. “Crazy” I’m calling it, since how can you say what craziness is except to say that its craziness? But that’s another story”.
He is right about him being mad over Ophelia but not for the reason of rejection
The reason is he is testing his theory or plan rather to express his love for her. So basically he is madly in love with her.
Act 3 Scenes 1
- In this scene we run into the popular phrase "To be or not to be" (Original Text) How does the modern text interpret this? Why is Hamlet thinking about this question?
"To be or not to be"- “The question is: is it better to be alive or dead”
He is asking this question to him self because he wonders is it better to be alive and go through the troubles of everyday life or “die” and be done with it.
Act 3 Scenes 2
I would ask questions like:
In modern text:
-What has been up with you lately, why are you so hyper?
-How do you feel about the whole situation about your parents?
-Why do you love Ophelia so much?
Old time text:
-My lord, why are ye not acting in the usual fashion, but instead much like a clown?
-Sir, are ye thinking about the story behind thy parents?
-Why is thy lord so much as in love with Polonius’ female offspring?
You do not need to create a new blog for every post. Simply add a new post to your old blog and respond to my most recent Read and Response question. This allows me to get updates for each post and there's no confusion with grading.
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