Sunday, January 29, 2012

Read and Response 1/29/12

Paragraph 1: Data privacy is a problem that troubles us.
Paragraph 2: Young people are most vulnerable to data privacy issues. 
Paragraph 3: Young people are oblivious to privacy issues.
 Paragraph 4: Information has never been more accessible.
Paragraph 5: Some adults also have bad internet habits.
Paragraph 6: When an adult, the young consequences cannot reversed.
Paragraph 7: We must develop new ways to navigate the digital world.
 Paragraph 8: Digital Native can control their digital output.
Paragraph 9: Information released can be hidden unknown to the user.
Paragraph 10: Digital Natives give away detailed information

2. I don't really think my parents have restricted me in anyway. They've taught me what to do and what not to do  concerning my internet privacy. Born Digital says, "Digital Natives and their parents need to established shared, positive norms regarding privacy issues".

3. I don't think my digital privacy has ever been broken. As far as I'm aware of anyway. I keep my information brief and things I don't want people to know they won't usually found.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Read and Response 1/22/12

Tuesday: A digital native is someone who is born into the digital world and knows nothing, but digital. I am a digital Native.  A digital immigrant is someone who was around during the very beginning of the digital revolution.  My mom is a digital immigrant. A digital settler is someone who has to become accustomed to the digital world from their previous way of living.  My grandparents is a digital settler. 

Wednesday:  The main goal of this book is to help people understand about digital natives in my opinion. The audience could be people who do not fit into that category. 

Thursday: It has created an extension of the physical world into a digital identity which can be changed, viewed, and thought of however the person decides.  

Friday: Social networking websites allow the sharing of the personal identity and an extension of the social identity. I peronaly hate social networking.